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Example Projects


Over the years we have been part of a number of different projects that involve growing items for a charitable purpose. The primary goal is to get more people involved in growing and/or harvesting items grown in Iowa.


We find that, living in Iowa, many people are interested in participating in agricultural-based projects.  In addition, many would like to learn somthing new and be part of a project that doesn't take long-term commitment.  Our focus has been on providing the organization needed to allow a wide range of people with varying skill levels to participate in charitable projects or what many refer to as a "good cause."


These projects are all voluntary and are primarily financed by the Blackmer family.  The Blackmer family does not raise produce for commercial purposes.  

We post these projects as examples to help give ideas to others to inspire and build upon in other areas. Currently the project with the Food Bank of Iowa is our largest project and one that we hope will be adopted by more groups around the country.  

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